Beginner Tips

Your first time floating will be unlike anything you can imagine. That’s okay because it’s impossible to go in with no expectations. Just remember, one thing you can expect for sure is that you will leave the tank feeling relaxed.


  • Shower before you step into the tank. You are washing off any oils, lotion, dirt, etc. that your body naturally produces.

  • Make sure a towel is easily accessible while you’re in the tank in case you get water in your eyes. There is nothing worse than scratching an itch on your face only to get salt water in your eyes.

  • Focus on your breathing. Just like meditation, focusing on breathing can help you relax.

  • Don’t worry about time. Worrying your session is about to end or wondering how long you’ve been in only takes away from the experience. You will receive an auditory notification letting you know your session is over.

  • Try placing your hands above your head, out to the sides, or criss-crossed over your chest to find your most relaxed position.

  • The more times you float, the less time it takes to get in the zone during future floats.

  • Use the provided vaseline to cover cuts or scratches. You do not want the idiom “to rub salt in the wound” to come true.

  • Try floating with and without the foam neck pillow. Some find that neck support helps relaxation.

  • Shower after your session to get all of the salt off of your skin and out of your hair.

Floating for the first time?

As someone who deals with autoimmune issues and chronic pain, I found the idea of floating very intriguing. Even though it took me some time to settle my mind during my first float, I was pain-free the rest of the day - which doesn't even happen when I receive a massage! It was such a peaceful and relaxing experience, I already can't wait until my next float!

—Michelle B., Retired Massage Therapist